Recognition of the Doctorate degree | Morales Asencio Homologaciones
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Recognition of the Doctorate degree

Homologate your doctorate to access more job opportunities and personal and professional development in Spain. We simplify the process by guiding you through the procedures

Tranquility and confidence

Simplify and speed up your equivalency process with our expert assistance, forgetting about any difficulties.

  • There will be no errors in your transaction
  • Saves money, time and effort
  • Troubleshooting and error resolution
  • Follow-up of each process
  • Streamlining the process

Get your doctorate approved

The only legal way to legalize your foreign doctoral degree is through a declaration of equivalency.

  • Equivalence: implies the recognition of foreign doctoral degrees at the doctoral level at the chosen university.

Are you overwhelmed by the variability of regulations and requirements that change depending on your situation?

Find out if you can homologate your degree

The process of equivalency of doctoral degrees involves a series of requirements, which may vary according to the specific circumstances and the university where the process is to be carried out. Our goal is to help you gather the necessary information and documentation to expedite this procedure. These are some fundamental requirements that apply in all cases.

  • The competence for the homologation of doctoral degrees belongs to the universities
  • It is possible to apply for equivalency at several universities at the same time. Even in cases of denial in one instance, there is the option to try in another.
  • The foreign doctorate degree must have been issued by a competent entity in the country of origin.
  • It is necessary to accredit that the holder of the doctorate has satisfactorily completed the entire cycle of studies equivalent to the title of doctor in Spain.
  • All documents submitted must be of an official nature and issued by the corresponding authorities
  • A sworn translation is required if the documents are not written in Spanish.
  • The equivalence of the doctoral degree does not imply the homologation, declaration of equivalence or recognition of other foreign degrees of another nature that you hold.


    Contáctanos y recibe toda la información que necesitas

    Tu información

    Infórmanos sobre tu título

    ¿Has intentado reconocer el título antes de contactarnos?

    Para poder informarte mejor sobre tu caso, por favor, selecciona la opción que aplique en tu caso.

    Déjanos un mensaje (opcional)

    Información sobre Protección de datos:

    • Responsable: Morales Asencio SL
    • Fin del tratamiento: Atender tu consulta, peticiones, sugerencias planteadas, prestación de servicios, comunicaciones comerciales relacionadas con nuestros servicios.
    • Legitimación: Tu consentimiento.
    • Comunicación de los datos: No se comunicarán los datos a terceros.
    • Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y olvido.
    • Contacto:


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    • Información adicional: más información de la Política de privacidad.

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