Homologation of your postgraduate degree | Morales Asencio Homologaciones
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Homologation of your Postgraduate Degree

Homologate your foreign postgraduate degree in Spain with our assistance to smoothly advance in your studies or professional career

More opportunities for success

Make your homologation, equivalence, or validation process simple and hassle-free. We facilitate and expedite all processes for you.

  • Optimizing the client’s time, effort, and money
  • Accurate, proper and timely delivery of documentation
  • Personalized advice and study of each case
  • Customized feasibility assessment
  • Professional experts will be at your disposal
  • Optimization in the management of administrative procedures

Homologate your Postgraduate

Homologation, validation and equivalence are the legal procedures through which it is possible to obtain official recognition of a foreign graduate degree.

  • Homologation: It will give you access to work in a regulated profession.
  • Validation: Applied to official studies, completed or not. Indispensable to be able to continue studies in Spain.
  • Equivalence: Studies the level and content of foreign studies and equates them with Spanish degrees.

Do you need expert advice to follow the right steps and comply with the requirements?

Find out if you can homologate your diploma

The procedure for the homologation of graduate degrees follows a series of regulated requirements that may vary depending on the situation. We are committed to assisting you in gathering the necessary information and documentation in order to make this process as smooth as possible. Here are some basic requirements that are essential and indispensable in all cases.

  • The documents submitted must be official and issued by the competent and authorized authorities
  • Prior to the homologation of the graduate degree, the documents must be legalized
  • Sworn translation. In the event that the titles are not written in Spanish, an official translation must be provided as an essential requirement.
  • Applicant’s identity document and nationality
  • Evidence of the linguistic aptitude required to practice the regulated profession in Spain.
  • Certificate of studies with duration, subjects and total time load of each one, in hours or ECTS credits.


    Contáctanos y recibe toda la información que necesitas

    Tu información

    Infórmanos sobre tu título

    ¿Has intentado reconocer el título antes de contactarnos?

    Para poder informarte mejor sobre tu caso, por favor, selecciona la opción que aplique en tu caso.

    Déjanos un mensaje (opcional)

    Información sobre Protección de datos:

    • Responsable: Morales Asencio SL
    • Fin del tratamiento: Atender tu consulta, peticiones, sugerencias planteadas, prestación de servicios, comunicaciones comerciales relacionadas con nuestros servicios.
    • Legitimación: Tu consentimiento.
    • Comunicación de los datos: No se comunicarán los datos a terceros.
    • Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y olvido.
    • Contacto: jx osvrtwn jcegeteanp
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    • Información adicional: más información de la Política de privacidad.

    Contacta con nuestros abogados

    Estamos aquí para ayudarte y gestionar los trámites por ti, ¡Contáctanos!