Homologation of the professional formation diploma | Morales Asencio Homologaciones
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Homologation of the porfessional formation diploma in Spain

Do you want to work or study in Spain? Homologate your professional formation diploma and advance towards your goals. We speed up and facilitate the process, guiding you through each step.

We speed up procedures and solve errors.

Trust our team to ensure that your vocational training qualification is accredited. For your convenience, we simplify and streamline the process.

  • Saving money, effort and time
  • Customized approach
  • Maximize your chances of success
  • Faster and more effective procedures
  • Industry experience
  • We guarantee accurate and complete submission of documents.

Homologate your professional formation degree

When it comes to the recognition of a foreign vocational qualification in Spain there are two different ways depending on your personal objectives.

  • Validation: this route recognizes the foreign degree and allows you to continue your formation in Spain.
  • Homologation: This modality is applicable to degrees, diplomas or studies. It implies the comparison of these with those of the current Spanish educational system.

Time wasted trying to understand the homologation process with no progress?

Find out if you can homologate your title

Due to various requirements, the homologation of degrees varies from case to case. We offer you comprehensive assistance in gathering the necessary information and documents to simplify the process. Some key requirements that apply in all cases are listed below.

  • You will be able to validate or homologate these types of professional formation: Basic Professional Degree, Technical Degree and Higher Technical Degree.
  • It is essential that the education system of the country concerned officially recognizes the studies completed and the degrees obtained
  • If the educational institution is foreign but located in Spain, it is indispensable that it has the authorization of the Spanish Educational Administration.
  • The duration and content of the foreign studies must be consistent with the degree or educational reference in Spain.
  • It is indispensable that the studies carried out abroad are completed completely within the educational system of the respective country. The validation of independent subjects will not be considered.
  • Studies already completed in Spain will not be recognized again.
  • The studies provided cannot have been previously considered for recognition of another Spanish degree.


    Contáctanos y recibe toda la información que necesitas

    Tu información

    Infórmanos sobre tu título

    ¿Has intentado reconocer el título antes de contactarnos?

    Para poder informarte mejor sobre tu caso, por favor, selecciona la opción que aplique en tu caso.

    Déjanos un mensaje (opcional)

    Información sobre Protección de datos:

    • Responsable: Morales Asencio SL
    • Fin del tratamiento: Atender tu consulta, peticiones, sugerencias planteadas, prestación de servicios, comunicaciones comerciales relacionadas con nuestros servicios.
    • Legitimación: Tu consentimiento.
    • Comunicación de los datos: No se comunicarán los datos a terceros.
    • Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y olvido.
    • Contacto: .ntr


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    • Información adicional: más información de la Política de privacidad.

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