The homologation of the Psychology degree | Morales Asencio Homologaciones
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Homologation of the Psychology degree

Validating a foreign psychology degree in Spain may seem complex, but we offer comprehensive assistance to simplify the process for you

Do you find yourself facing numerous obstacles when trying to validate your psychology degree in Spain?

The most common difficulties that usually hinder obtaining the degree homologation in Spain include:

  • Unawareness of the steps to follow
  • Bureaucratic complexity
  • Changing specific requirements
  • Excessive waiting times and frustration
  • Linguistic barriers
  • Inadequate submission of documentation

He works as a psychologist in Spain

Are you looking for a simple and effective way to homologate your degree and start your career as a psychologist in Spain? Trust us to manage the validation of your psychology degree. Simplify and expedite the process effectively.

  • Increase in effectiveness. You will reduce time consumption, economic resources, and energy.
  • Leave your worries aside, we’ll take care of everything.
  • Timely, accurate, and appropriate submission of the required documentation.
  • Individualized analysis of the case’s feasibility.
  • Expert professional guidance in the field.
  • Improvement in the administration and execution of bureaucratic processes.

Are you concerned about facing potential obstacles when validating your degree and working as a psychologist in Spain?

Find out if you can homologate your degree

The homologation of the degree is governed by specific criteria that may vary depending on the situation. Our purpose is to facilitate the process to the fullest extent, assisting you in gathering the necessary information and documents. Below, we highlight essential requirements shared in all instances.

  • Having a foreign psychology degree duly authenticated and apostilled
  • Having passed proficiency exams in Spanish if you are not a native speaker or did not study in Spanish.
  • Verifying the equivalence of the foreign degree to the Spanish bachelor’s degree in Psychology
  • Submitting your academic record and its official translation.
  • It may be necessary to obtain an official qualifying master’s degree or to take specific subjects from the Spanish psychology degree.


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    Infórmanos sobre tu título

    ¿Has intentado reconocer el título antes de contactarnos?

    Para poder informarte mejor sobre tu caso, por favor, selecciona la opción que aplique en tu caso.

    Déjanos un mensaje (opcional)

    Información sobre Protección de datos:

    • Responsable: Morales Asencio SL
    • Fin del tratamiento: Atender tu consulta, peticiones, sugerencias planteadas, prestación de servicios, comunicaciones comerciales relacionadas con nuestros servicios.
    • Legitimación: Tu consentimiento.
    • Comunicación de los datos: No se comunicarán los datos a terceros.
    • Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y olvido.
    • Contacto:


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    • Información adicional: más información de la Política de privacidad.

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